In the meantime, I want to share some of the interesting photographs that I was able to take during our breaks.
The first shows an old Soviet helicopter that the Afghans were using for some sort of drill. I believe it's called "touch and go" where they practice loading and unloading troops quickly.
Next you see another traditional Afghan meal. I have to say that this is the best Afghan meal I've had yet.
At the center is a bean/broccoli mix. The beans were good, but to quote Newman (of Seinfeld), broccoli is still a "vile weed" no matter where you are in the world.
At bottom left is rice with raisins (not bad) and at bottom right is a bowl of chicken soup. It is customary to swab your soup with your bread.
You see "jingle trucks" everwhere. Usually they have ornate hand paintings on them and bells, hence the term "jingle."
Today was one of the clearest days I've seen in Afghanistan. Probably because the temperature is warmer and people aren't burning stuff as much to keep warm.
The mountains were absolutely beautiful.
Hopefully I can fill you in on the details of the trial soon. Until then, enjoy the pictures.