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Saturday, April 17, 2010
Today we headed off to the grocery store with two kids in tow. The routine of the grocery is that whoever is pushing Jake in the cart is the one that is doing the actual shopping. The other person is strictly on Sammy duty, running after her in the store. If that person happens to throw a few things into the cart then that is a bonus! Today in the produce section, Samantha picked up one of those long cucumbers that come wrapped in plastic.
Next thing I know Chris is holding up the cucumber saying "I guess we just bought a cucumber". Samantha had taken a bite out of the cucumber right through the plastic! She was very vocal that she wanted more cucumber, so Chris unwrapped the top of the cucumber so that she could continue to nosh in the store.
She gained a lot of attention in the store while she did justice in eating the cucumber. We were explaining the eating of the cucumber in the store to another shopper who happily informed us that since we'd be buying this cucumber we should be sure to get a second one because they were buy 1 get 1 today! So, off Samantha and Chris went to get another cucumber. When we got home we compared just how much cucumber Samantha actually ate in the store with the unopened cucumber!