We have been having some gorgeous weather lately, and this being the first official day of summer and the longest day of the year, we really couldn't ask for a more perfect day. We've been busy in the back yard with the pool, sand/water table and the sliding board. We are also starting to take trips down the road to the country club where we are spending a lot of time on the weekends when Daddy is home. We are very fortunate, if not a little spoiled by our location here because right across the street we have a great park/playground that we walk to a lot. Last week we got together with friends from town and had a playground play date and we also took in the sights of the animals at the park (sheep and chickens).
The kids at the park (Jake, Ethan, Sammy, Nora, and Miles):

Blowing bubbles with Daddy:
He's only 1 and already lounging in a chair with a snack
(is he all boy or what??)
Jake and his floaty tube: