It has been mentioned before that we spend a lot of time with the Lobans. Today we headed to the local minor league baseball stadium to watch the Bridgeport Bluefish. The kids thoroughly enjoyed their first baseball game! On the way to the game Samantha wanted to know when we were going to get to have a catch. We had to explain that we wouldn't actually be playing catch, but would be watching two teams play baseball. I think initially she was disappointed, but the fun and excitement of the day won her over.
The Gang

View from our seats!

Mommy's favorite photo of the day
Samantha was really excited to see the Bluefish, and seemed very excited to go give the fish a high five and a hug. Much like the characters on Sesame Street, she changed her tune once she was actually near the Bluefish. She cried upon her first meeting, but still wanted to go up to the Bluefish later in the day. At this meeting, but Bluefish walked right into a trash can, knocking it over, making a lot of noise; once again, scaring Samantha. Way to go Bluefish! Yet, as we were leaving, I asked Samantha what her favorite part of the game was and she responded "the Bluefish!"
Cheering on the team
Announcing the starting line-up:
Lead-off hitter - Noah



Clean-up - Sammy

Don't forget the 3rd base coach!

Chris, Ethan, Amanda, Noah

Jake, Chris, Emily, Sammy

We all had a great day filled with fun with friends, fun with food, and even fun with the Bluefish! Samantha and Jake also had a great time in the Kidzone, ripping it up in the bounce house. Samantha even tried her hand at some t-ball and she hit the ball every time! Look out; here comes our slugger! Oh, and lest I forget; at the end of the game, all kids get to go out and run bases. Our kids were the last 3 to run the bases, and of course, they couldn't just run the bases. It was very clear that parents were not to go on the field; especially the grass. Chris go to go out to run with Jake. The rest of us stood on the side and watched them make their way around the bases. At 2nd base, Samantha and Ethan decided to take a sharp left straight for the pitchers mound, at which point 3 Bluefish staff started making a run for them. The staff would run one way, the kids would run another; all on the grass of course. The woman in charge of letting people on the field asked Christian and I if those were our kids. After debating for only a second, we admitted to the fact, and were told her go on the field to fetch our kids! Samantha and Ethan are getting quite the rap as trouble makers! Samantha shed lots of tears when it was time to go, protesting that "I don't want to go home!"