We are almost through this long week! When Chris is traveling I always get through the week by counting down certain things like number of nights we have to spend without him. This time 5 nights seemed long, so to give myself something that I could count down a little more quickly I counted down 1/2 days that I had to get through. He left on Sunday at nap time and doesn't come home until tomorrow night, so I had to get through 11 half days. 9 down, 2 more to go. It's amazing what adding on an additional day and a half can do. But, we are managing and getting back into our regular routine of when Chris travels. A good friend of mine recently wrote this blog post about really enjoying spending time at home and being nervous about getting overly involved in kids activities and school at the expense of less time to be at home. After reading her post I realized that I am the exact opposite of her. Now, don't get me wrong...I love to be at home as much as the next person, but when Chris is traveling, I have us booked for some activity or another every half day! We have a morning activity and an afternoon activity. Some days it might just be going to the gym or the park, but it is still something to get us out of the house! Just the other day Chris's mom came home from work as we were heading out of the house. She asked where we were going and I said that I was going to find my sanity, that we had to get out of the house! I do find that I have to make a conscious effort to slow down and sit down and just breathe sometimes. This is especially true when Chris is traveling because I am juggling a million balls in the air all by myself. It's exhausting just trying to get basic needs met for 3 people. You have spend a better part of the morning just getting out of bed, changing diapers, getting dressed, eating breakfast and then it's time to do it all again for lunch! It's like one long checklist of things to do. But enough about me. This is how Samantha is coping with Chris being gone; packing her "suitcase" to go visit daddy!