Distance Shoot With Sniper Type 3 Kilometers
Barrett FAMILY

If the supplied weapons Barrett Light Fifty titled this could be identical with an M16 assault rifle. The reason is victorious in the hands of U.S. Army troops, in some countries are also queuing up to wear. Even reportedly had similar weapons falling into terrorist hands of northern ireland variance in reports M82A1, M90, M95 and M99
Specifications M82A1
Kaliber 12.7
Length 1.54 m
Weight 14.7 kg
Effective range: more than 1,000 m
Large-caliber sniper rifle Affairs France also did not want to miss this in the proof when the factory PGM Precision Company launched HECATE II. Free-floating barrel system, Kompoonen antihentakan at the end of the barrel, bi-pod mast on the butt is his trademark weapon is equipped magasen each containing seven bullets.
12.7 x 99 mm caliber
Length 1.38 m
Weight 13.8 kg
Effective range: more than 1,000 m
While less loud sound but for the affairs of the Croatian heavyweight sniper already has a share. Goods aduannya scary enough to have a name: The Anti-Material Sniper refile RT-20 from the code alone can guess that this weapon carrying 20 mm caliber bullets. The uniqueness of this weapon is located at a position other than the butt of shooter action on hold in the shoulder, there is also the body of the weapon must be in the pelvis. RT-20 take part in action in the civil war in Yugoslavia in the era of the 90s
Tony Neophytou ingenuity should be recognized in the reverse NTW20. Passalna dibahwah flag South Africa, Denel, he managed to create Heavy sniper rifle that can spew two types of bullets. Simply by replacing the barrel of the NTW 20 can be used to catapult bullet Russian 14.5 mm or 20 mm caliber. For the last Tony took the base gun MG 151 ex Nazi Germany during World War II
Kalier 20 x 8.5 mm MG151 or 14.5 X 114 mm Russian
Length: 1.79 m / 2.015 m
26/29 Weight Kg
Effective range of 1500-2300 m
This is the sniper weapon russia heavyweight, OSV-96 was developed KBP Design Bureau based in Tula in the era of the 90s. Adopts a semi-automatic gas fire with kokangan rotation model. To boost its mobility then this giant rifle can fold up to form more compact and a half feet from its original length
Additionally, the sniper who dipake Indonesian military ...
This is one of the best sniper rifle in the world. Developed from the success of the Winchester 70, Remington 700 on select again later when the U.S. need a new sniper, M24 Remington 700 model developed since 1962, when U.S. Marines Winchester refused requests for a replacement barrel. Charlos Hatchock including the user model 700. The photo above is a Winchester 70.

Name: Remington 700
Caliber: 7.62 x 51 mm
System: Bolt Action
Weight: 4.08 kg empty without telescope
Length: 1.662 mm
Barrel: 660 mm
User: Marine
Aka SPR Sniper sniper weapon made by PT. Pindad Indonesia has become the standard military. Overall, all of the requirements already owned. Starting from a long barrel, bipod a powerful telescope and shoot targets with the assurance of accuracy and high stability. Just unfortunately, still use wooden body.
Name: SPR-1
Caliber: 7.62 x 51 mm
Barrel: 650 mm
Weight: 6.82 kg
System: Bolt Action
Sights: telescope
Users: TNI