These are missiles that could destroy North Korea, CHINA and RUSSIA!
North Korean Taepodong missile proud. However, South Korea is no less great. Korean missiles can also attack the territory of China and Russia.
Taepodong missile
Hyunmoo III missiles like Tomahawk South American property. The missile was placed along the border of North Korea, along with ballistic missiles, and other strategic weapons. The missile, which is a modification of the previous Hyunmoo missiles that can reach Beijing and Tokyo as well as locking the target in the entire territory of North Korea.
Hyunmoo III can reach the target with a margin of error of plus and minus five yards, because the system is aided by Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM).
Hyunmoo ballistic missile capable of destroying the region and Shinuiju Pyongyang, North Korea easily if the war. Just as the area within the territory of the medium and short Shinsang province-ri, South Hamgyeong, Gitaeryeong and Gangwon.
Hyunmoo is a ballistic missile developed by the Agency for Defense Development (Agency of Defense Development / ADD) and Lig Nex1, major missile development in South Korea.
Like the Tomahawk, Hyunmoo 3 has a length of 6 meters, weighs 1.5 tons, has a half-ton warhead and was launched in hidden in the hills overlooking North Korea.
South Korean missile has a range limited basically 300 kilometers in 2001 related to agreements with the United States, which joined the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).
However, this rule only applies to high-speed missiles, ballistic missiles with the ability to fly freely. Rule does not include weapons that moves on the surface and slow, often called weapons or cruise missiles cruise
Cruise missiles are often dubbed as a flying bomb missiles that use wing lift and jet propulasi system to conduct sustained flight. These cruise missiles can move with supersonic or subsonic speed high. This is to overcome the difficulties radal avoid detection in non-missile trajectory.
Only a few countries other than South Korea which has cruise missiles that the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Israel. [Ito]