Party Colors
As the symbolic colors of Valentine's Day is red, pink and white you may make these colors the theme of your party. You may play with these colors to set the mood of the party and have decorations planned with candles and heart-shaped balloons in these colors. It would be fun if you could also persuade guests to come dressed in Valentine's Day colors. If it is an all girls' party, pink would by a pretty choice.

As the symbolic colors of Valentine's Day is red, pink and white you may make these colors the theme of your party. You may play with these colors to set the mood of the party and have decorations planned with candles and heart-shaped balloons in these colors. It would be fun if you could also persuade guests to come dressed in Valentine's Day colors. If it is an all girls' party, pink would by a pretty choice.

Lights for the Party
Dim lights can be used to give a mellow feel. A more romantic idea would be to have the party room illuminated with lots of red, white and pink candles. You will of course, need to be extra careful with the candles.
Decoration with Flowers
You may plan decorations with red and white roses or other flowers in Valentine's Day color of red, white and pink. Flowers floating in a glass bowl look romantic and give a very pleasant feeling.

Dim lights can be used to give a mellow feel. A more romantic idea would be to have the party room illuminated with lots of red, white and pink candles. You will of course, need to be extra careful with the candles.
Decoration with Flowers
You may plan decorations with red and white roses or other flowers in Valentine's Day color of red, white and pink. Flowers floating in a glass bowl look romantic and give a very pleasant feeling.
Decoration with Cupid
You may decorate the venue with cardboard Cupids hanging from the ceiling or have paper Cupids decorate the wall. Another interesting idea would be to have someone come to the party dressed as a Cupid or an angel. This party Cupid may sprinkle hearts with candy and a love message on the invitees. He may also sweetly scare them with toy bow and arrow.
Decoration with Hearts
Hearts are a major Valentine's Day symbol and your decoration will be incomplete without some hearts strewn about. Heart-shaped balloons look awesome and consider them a must for romantic party. A balloon bouquet in the corners of the room and on doorstep is another splendid Valentine's Day decoration idea. Fill some balloons with helium to let them rest on the ceiling in your party room with the curling string hanging below them. Litter the rest of the balloons on the floor. You may also decorate the hall with paper hearts and have some hanging from the ceiling. Red cardboard hearts can also be used to decorate the tables.
A Valentines Day Tree
A great Valentine's Day decoration idea would be to have a small Christmas tree decorated with white and pink lights, heart and other pink Valentine ornaments, pink silk flowers, ivy etc. This will be come the centre of attraction in the party.
Venue Decoration Ideas
A pretty idea would be to sprinkle walkway with pink glitter. You may also drape the trees in the front yard with pink crepe paper streamers or let them hang down and sway in the wind. Drape the entrance with pink tulle to set a romantic mood.
Table Decoration Ideas
A nice idea would be to cover the table with a white tablecloth or sheet and sprinkle it with candy hearts and candy kisses. Sequins may also be used for extra color and sparkle. Chairs may be decorated with pink tulle and a fluffy bow may be tied at the back.
Wall Decoration Idea
You may have pictures of lovebirds and dove to decorate the walls. You may also wrap the pictures already hanging on your walls with pink wrapping paper and pretty bows to look like presents.
You may decorate the venue with cardboard Cupids hanging from the ceiling or have paper Cupids decorate the wall. Another interesting idea would be to have someone come to the party dressed as a Cupid or an angel. This party Cupid may sprinkle hearts with candy and a love message on the invitees. He may also sweetly scare them with toy bow and arrow.
Decoration with Hearts
Hearts are a major Valentine's Day symbol and your decoration will be incomplete without some hearts strewn about. Heart-shaped balloons look awesome and consider them a must for romantic party. A balloon bouquet in the corners of the room and on doorstep is another splendid Valentine's Day decoration idea. Fill some balloons with helium to let them rest on the ceiling in your party room with the curling string hanging below them. Litter the rest of the balloons on the floor. You may also decorate the hall with paper hearts and have some hanging from the ceiling. Red cardboard hearts can also be used to decorate the tables.
A Valentines Day Tree
A great Valentine's Day decoration idea would be to have a small Christmas tree decorated with white and pink lights, heart and other pink Valentine ornaments, pink silk flowers, ivy etc. This will be come the centre of attraction in the party.
Venue Decoration Ideas
A pretty idea would be to sprinkle walkway with pink glitter. You may also drape the trees in the front yard with pink crepe paper streamers or let them hang down and sway in the wind. Drape the entrance with pink tulle to set a romantic mood.
Table Decoration Ideas
A nice idea would be to cover the table with a white tablecloth or sheet and sprinkle it with candy hearts and candy kisses. Sequins may also be used for extra color and sparkle. Chairs may be decorated with pink tulle and a fluffy bow may be tied at the back.
Wall Decoration Idea
You may have pictures of lovebirds and dove to decorate the walls. You may also wrap the pictures already hanging on your walls with pink wrapping paper and pretty bows to look like presents.