Here we are slogging through the middle of January, and it's a Monday. We're not exactly on track for a stellar day. So, I've decided to shake things up a bit.... you have stumbled upon the first monthly Elizabeth's Flowers Mid Month Monday Give Away. On a Monday somewhere in the middle of every month, we will be giving away something of interest to the readers of this blog - something that celebrates the beauty and simplicity of plants, and the Creator who made them.
This month's give away is one free Going Green Paper Making Kit. With this kit it's easy to make beautiful handmade paper by recycling the used paper in your home and office. It includes our standard 5 x 7" mold and deckle, an instruction booklet with lots of paper making recipes, and fun inclusions to add to your paper such as flower petals, lavender buds, shredded currency, etc. This kit was developed to use in my handmade paper making classes, and the method used is the exact one I use for all of my pressed flower art.
To be included in the drawing, fill out the information below. Please only enter one time per month. The drawing closes this Friday at noon Central time. The winner will be notified by Email.
If you have an item of interest to Elizabeth's Flowers readers, and would like to be considered for our Mid Month Monday Drawing, please email me.