Samantha has been saying "all over the place" to describe a variety of situations. This is accompanied by throwing her arms wide to indicate "all over the place"
To Jake when he is eating:
"No do dat Jake! Daddy! Jake food all over the place! No do dat Jake!"
After spilling water on the floor:
"Daddy! Water...all over the place!"
Everything has become all about time. The following are just a few examples:
Mommy: "Samantha, are you ready to go bowling?"
Sammy: "Bowling time!"
Mommy: "We are going to the gym today!"
Sammy: "Gym Time!"
Mommy: "Samantha, are you ready?"
Sammy: "Ready time!"
Every evening Samantha dances with Mammo and Papi to a DVD that has a variety of songs.
Mammo: "What are we going to dance tonight?"
Sammy" "Pokey Pokey"
Mammo: "What else?"
Sammy: "Bunny HOP!"