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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Who Am I at Blogher '10?

I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past week about what I will say if someone at Blogher asks me what my blog is all about. I feel like such a small potatoes blog compared with the millions of blogs out there, many with platforms from which they raise awareness for very important issues. We started this blog to chronicle the pregnancy and birth of our first child, and kept it going so far away friends and relatives could keep up to date with our lives. I often think about doing some more writing on topics other than our family, and I hope to get some inspiration from this conference. Last evening as I was pondering the purpose of our blog, I received an email from an old high school friend letting me know that my writing on the blog has helped her several times to understand her daughter's behavior and to look at challenging parenting situations a little differently. We might have a small blog, but it is knowing that we can find commonality with other families and learn from each other's parenting situations that makes me really value blogging and it's impact on our lives!