We had a great week this past week at my parents house. Chris and I drove down last weekend, and it just happened that this past week was his first week at his new job, so after driving us down on Saturday, we dropped him off at the train station on Sunday so that he could come back to head to his first week of work! I would have driven down by myself, but somehow making a 4.5 hour drive by myself with two babies, just didn't sound like a good time! We had some beautiful weather that got us outside without having to wear our coats! We spent a rainy day inside at Tumble Town, and got to visit with my grandparents (Gamma Effie and Gampa James). I was also very happy to spend a little bit of time with my high school friend Beth and her daughter Anna.
It has been several months since Chris traveled from home for work, since his last contract ended with him working from home. Samantha's level of comprehension has been amazing. Nearly every night when she would talk on the phone with Chris, her conversation would go something like this: "Love you Daddy, miss you, come home daddy, come home!" Jake is not yet at a point where he really understands what is going on, but he does seem to enjoy "talking" on the phone to Daddy.
Gampa drove back home with us yesterday and then took the train back home this morning. Chris was glad to not have to do that leg of the traveling. Samantha and Jake were very happy to be back with their Daddy as well as Mammo and Papi!
Here is Jake helping to load the dishwasher:

Samantha goes through the tunnel at the park:

Jake, Gamma, and Sammy

Reading with Gamma Effie and Gampa James:

Climbing at Tumble Town:

Jake gets a kick out of the ball pit:

Jake gets around Tumble Town:

This bridge was a big hit:

All smiles for parks and beautiful weather!